About Us
Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association
2003 metų vasarą įkurta Lietuvos biomasės energetikos asociacija LITBIOMA šiuo metu vienija 42 narius. Asociacijai priklauso kietojo biokuro ir kitų atsinaujinančių vietinių išteklių – medienos, šiaudų, energetinių gluosnių, durpių – gamintojai ir tiekėjai, biokuro katilinių ir kitos įrangos gamintojai ir projektuotojai, energijos gamintojai, energetinių plantacijų vystytojai bei mokslo įstaigos.
In order to strengthen the strategically important heat and electricity production and solid biomass market in Lithuania, the association is actively collaborating with various public institutions, organizing seminars, conferences, providing help to its members and safeguarding their interests.
Companies belonging to the association are actively operating in the field of biomass production and supply: they are cultivating energetic plant plantations, producing various types of biofuel and all tools and equipment necessary for this activity.
LITBIOMA is dedicating a lot of attention towards implementation of innovations and investigative studies intended for more effective handling of local energy resources in Lithuania.
To promote wider utilisation of renewable energy resources (first of all – biomass) in energy production, while following the principles of coherency.
Lithuania, as a country where the major part of the consumed energy is produced from renewable energy resources.