
ENplusis a world-leading certification scheme for wood pellets. European Pellet Council has given an exclusive right for LITHUANIAN BIOMASS ENERGY ASSOCIATION – LITBIOMA, to administer ENplus® certification system in Lithuania. Pellets producers, traders and service providers can become certified ENplusby applying to us. At the moment most of Lithuanian pellets producers and tradersare certifiedplusin ENplus®
At the moment most of Lithuanian pellets producers and traders are certified in ENplus®. ENplus® certification helps Lithuanian producers to compete in the European market and increases consumer confidence in the finest quality wood pellets produced in Lithuania.
Detailed information is provided in the national ENplus® website: https://enplus-pellets.eu/lt.

In order to ensure the sustainable use of biomass in the energy sector, RED and Bioenergy Europe have jointly developed this new independent and credible certification scheme.
The purpose of SURE is to enable all economic operators to demonstrate compliance with the legal requirements of the RED II Directive.
LITBIOMA is an official National Partner of this certification system.
For more information on this system, see: https://sure-system.org/en/
,,Netvarios miško biomasės gamybos, rizikos vertinimas Lietuvoje‘‘
Lietuvos biomasės energetikos asociacija LITBIOMA, remdamasi SURE techninėmis gairėmis parengė dokumentą „Netvarios miško biomasės gamybos, rizikos vertinimas Lietuvoje“.
Rizikos vertinimas galioja nuo 2023-01-16, galiojimas baigiasi 2028-01-16. Jį galite atsisiųsti čia.
For more information on any of the certification schemes represented by LITBIOMA
please contact the LITBIOMA Certification Scheme Coordinator
Karina Stanevičiūtė – sertifikavimas@biokuras.lt