Pasaulio Biomasės energetikos asociacija kartu su Asociacija LITBIOMA organizuoja nuotolinį seminarą „Lithuania: A unique success story of biomass replacing fossil fuels“, kuriame bus pristatoma Lietuvos sėkmės istorija, pradėjus naudoti biokurą. Seminaras vyks jau gegužės 18 d. 12:00-13:30 val. Lietuvos laiku. Nuotolinis seminaras vyks anglų kalba. Kviečiame registruotis!
Detalesnę informaciją anglų kalba galite rasti žemiau:
Date: 18 May 2021
Time: 11.00 – 12.30 CEST
Lithuania’s success story in replacing fossil fuels with biomass in District Heating (DH) system is a unique story. The share of fossil fuels in DH in Lithuania has been declining at particularly rapid rates. In 2011, 76% of DH was generated from fossil fuels in Lithuania while in 2018, only 31% of the heat was generated from fossil fuels with biomass heat increasing proportionately during the same time.
The development of the bioenergy sector in the country also had various socio-economic and environmental benefits. Lithuania has established a new bioenergy technology manufacturing industry with annual exports of more than € 100 million. More than 7 500 people are employed in technological companies in the production and supply of biomass. The replacement of natural gas in the DH sector with biomass has reduced CO2 emissions to around 1.3 million tons per year. The switch from predominantly natural gas heating to biomass also had an impact on consumer prices. For example, in Kaunas (second largest city in Lithuania) heat price in Sep 2012 were 9.79 ct/kWh while the prices today are at 3.84 ct/kWh.
To share the success story of Lithuania in replacing fossil fuels with biomass and the numerous benefits generated in the society, World Bioenergy Association along with Lithuania Biomass Energy Association are pleased to organize the webinar – Lithuania: A unique success story of biomass replacing fossil fuels. In this upcoming webinar, speakers will inform about the latest developments of the bioenergy sector with company representatives showcasing the latest technologies in biomass district heating in the country. The webinar is the 1st in a new WBA webinar series focussing on national experiences with bioenergy development.
Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. Agenda will be updated soon.
World Bioenergy Association
+ 46 8 441 70 84
Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association
+370 624 86195